Kiri Choi

Postdoctoral Fellow
Yale University

I am interested in how the brain encodes and processes olfactory information and makes appropriate decisions. I apply computational neuroscience and systems biology to understand the signal processing in the insect olfactory system, particularly that of common fruit flies. I am a postdoctoral fellow at Emonet Lab at Yale University, supported by the Swartz Foundation Fellowship, studying olfactory receptors and odor-guided navigation.

Previously, I was a research fellow at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study under the mentorship of Professor Changbong Hyeon, where I studied how the physical characteristics of neurons translate to their functionality and the perceptive space of the olfactory system. I completed my PhD in Bioengineering at the University of Washington under the advice of Professor Herbert Sauro, where I designed the biochemical reaction networks using high-throughput simulation studies.

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